One of the ongoing debates in the church is knowing when a person needs counseling, deliverance or even both. The honest truth is that in most cases both are needed as they are able to work hand in hand because they are both powerful when presented correctly but they are both different. One of the most common rebuttals I hear against counseling is that you cannot counsel demons but you must cast them out. And I can agree with that statement. BUT I do believe in counseling people that are broken, depressed, and dealing with the aftermath of trauma. Although Deliverance and Counseling are both necessary in many cases it is important to understand how they differ. Churches are filled with hurting people that need more than a shout and a dance. It is time for people to experience the power of God's love in the form of the ministry of deliverance and counseling. Deliverance: The ministry of deliverance is a great example of God's supernatural power at work. In the Old Testament God delivered His people by removing them from the place of bondage (Egypt). In the New Testament we see Jesus removing the bondage from the people. In some cases both are needed. The ministry of deliverance is the supernatural power of God to stop the works of demonic forces against the lives of believers. Deliverance will put a stop to the demonic plans of the enemy in the life of God's people. Counseling: When I refer to counseling in this blog I am referring to Christian Counseling. Real Christian Counseling should not solely rely on secular models and methods. I am a firm believer that Christian Counselors should be Spirit-filled, flow in the gifts of the Spirit and be trained in deliverance. The role of Christian Counselors and counseling is not to replace the pastor but is to help people; walk out their deliverance, work through their nagging issues, identify erroneous thought patterns (demonic strongholds) and private cognitive processes (thoughts). This allows the pastor to focus on preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, discipling believers along with equipping and training them to be Kingdom workers. Counseling should reinforce the power of prayer and the Word of God.
Deliverance & Counseling The ministry of deliverance coupled with integrated Christian counseling allows God to be apart of the process.. Christian Counseling should be a catalyst to help people maintain their deliverance especially those that are babes in Christ and that lack the discipline that is required to stay delivered. Deliverance has to be seen as the beginning and not the end. Meaning people need to realize you must also seek to stay delivered and for many counseling is a part of the process to maintain their deliverance. We can no longer allow people to encounter the ministry of deliverance and have no follow-up to ensure they are progressing in their walk with Christ. Many times once demonic spirits have been cast out what remains is a weak and broken person that needs the love of God and help to make it through the journey of being made whole and remaining free. Deliverance Overview: *The answer to demonic bondage *Breaks generational/bloodlines curses *Removes hindrances that block flowing in the gifts and/or receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit *Removes bondage from the life of believers (mind, will, emotions) *Stops nightmares, night terrors, and late night demonic encounters *Combats sexual perversion and immorality *Supernatural power of God to release freedom in the life of believers *Breaks the power of addiction *A Ministry of love and compassion
Counseling Overview: *Helps recognize root issues (trauma, abuse, incest, addition etc.,) *Deals with error in thinking, feelings, and behavior *Helps those that are struggling with unforgiveness and bitterness *Reinforces biblical truths and Godly principles *Helps believers maintain and progress in their deliverance *Allows an outlet to past hurt, internal pain, thoughts and present trauma *Provides tools, Godly perspectives and alternatives to former thoughts, emotions and behaviors. *Assists in the healing process and the ability to move "forward"
*When necessary provides referrals especially for those that are in need of psychiatric care and medication.
For more information on the topic of counseling and deliverance click HERE